Maha Gowri is worshipped on the eighth day of Navarathri. She is a Rishabha vahini holding Trishul in one hand and Udukkai in another and showing abhaya varadha mudras with her other 2 hands.. In this avatar, Mother is as white as a moon or jasmine and affectionate, calm and soft by nature. Worship of her removes all the sins of the past and present and stops us from any future sins. She is also worshipped in the name of Shambhavi, Manasa and Trinethri. Maha Gowri is worshipped as Baalai, an eight 8 year old girl in some regions of India. Feeding of unmarried girls, especially baalais on the ashtami thithi is considered most auspicious and a tradition in some regions. A temple is dedicated to Ma Maha Gowri at Kankhal near Haridwar.

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Shwete Veshe Samarudha Shwetambardhara Shuchih
Mahagauri Shubham Dadyanmahadevapramodada