We solicited from all our SIS kids and young adults an expression of their imagination via drawings, paintings, poems, story telling, and creative dance pieces, the theme being "hope". We got lot of entries and they are presented below in this article and also available in our Facebook page.
The Storm
Writen when Arya was 8 years old
Shivering and cold I lay in bed with three blankets on me At 10:00, the sky was as dark as fresh ink on paper All alone I was while my mother slept I heard the jealous rain pattering on the roof, Trying to share the warmth in the house. I saw the lightning flash, illuminating a tree. The thunder and lightning were in a competition to see who was scarier I shivered, seeing the lightning off a tree branch with a boom! Crash! I ducked under my covers at the speed of light I gripped my stuffed animal so tightly that my knuckles turned white What could I do? I was too scared to go to Mom’s room and I was too scared in bed. I couldn’t tell anyone because they would say I am a scaredy-cat Scare of a storm they would laugh As I shut my eyes tight, I thought about what my friend, Sasha had told me about storms The thunder, lightning and rain were only the sky gods scaring demons away The thunder was just drums that they banged onto Earth, and the lightning was the torch the sky gods held. “The sky gods are just trying to scare the demons away” I told myself. I took a deep breath and realized I was being silly Storms aren’t scary I thought I closed my eyes and relaxed Before I knew it, I was snoring.
Arya L. SubramanianAge 10
Madhav Commandur
Age 10
Sahana Sundar
Realization during isolation
What a strange time to live through Where normality seems to have disappeared And the idea of it is to be feared It feels as if all hope is lost It feels as if every joy comes at a cost Stuck at home Stuck on
what to do Finding yourself all alone With nothing to do The streets are empty Shops are closed The silence surrounds us No matter how much we make a fuss Feeling overwhelmed, stressed, anxious Always being
told to be cautious Wondering what has life come to? Asking ourselves what we can do? It’s okay to cry It’s okay to let go of those fearful emotions It’s okay to feel as if you are unable to cope That is the steps
we must take in order to come out the other side And remember there is always hope We are all in this together Everyone is affected in some way Everyone is suffering While we are self-isolating We have to be a
stronger team than ever And understand this won’t last forever You may think life’s become so narrow Being unable to meet your friends Being unable to sunbathe on the beach Being unable to make adventurous summer
plans It is an opportunity to open your mind And make the most of what you can find We have access to so many means of communication To feel connected to family and friends So life doesn’t seems like such a cage In
this day and age “Oh I don’t have time” An excuse at the tip of our tongues Now time stretches out in front of us like an ocean While many are working hard to find a solution To learn an instrumentTo learn a new
language To perfect a skill Take this time for YOU To be a better version of yourself To be someone you're proud of To feel good in yourself You don’t have to be doing something all the time Just stop. Think.
Pause.Relax. Watch your favourite TV programmes Soak in the nature around you. Read those books that always appeared in your to-be-read list Or simply learn how to just exist Do what you want to do. Do what makes
you happy. Be positive, as hard as it may seem and If you are feeling down,remember we are all a team! What a strange time to live through Where normality seems to have disappeared But really the idea of the ‘old
normal’ is to be feared It’s time to improve ourselves To protect our planet And not be pulled towards destruction like a magnet To reduce our mass consumption And stop living under a false assumption That our
actions don’t matter As it is time to realise it is quite the latter We will come out of this Until then Stay home,stay well And be hopeful That this soon will be just a story to tell
Shreya SrinivasanAge 10
Madhu Balasubramanian
Age 14
Janani Krishnakanth
Age 8 |
Sanjana Narayanan
Age 18 |
Siddarth Iyer Sridhar
Age 11 |
Shruthi Murali
Age 11 |
Vidula Natarajan
Age 13 |
Vrishabh Parthasarathy Kausikan
Age 12
Reyansh Avinash
Age 8