Swastika is a symbol of the cross with four vertical lines attached to the horizontal ends. The origin of this symbol has been closely associated with India. The name "swastika" itself has a Sanskrit origin where "su" means 'well' and Asti means 'being'. This sign is symbolic of the Hindu religion in India. The history of swastika can be traced back to the Neolithic age and objects bearing the swastika symbol have also been found in Paleolithic age, Stone Age and Iron Age excavations.
Swastika symbol is a universally used symbol in all the cultures of the world. It has been associated with Europeans, Americans and Asians too. The symbol is a representation of well being and spirituality. In Hindu culture, the symbol is used in a right handed manner which represents well being and prosperity apart from spiritual benefits. In Chinese culture, the left handed swastika is drawn for good luck which is not considered as auspicious in the Hindu culture.
The association of swastika with so many religions of the world indicates that the symbol holds some spiritual value. Mostly, swastika indicates spiritual well being and is a mark of peace and prosperity.
Hitler believed that Aryans were the purest breed in the world and being pro-Aryan, he used the symbol to clarify his stand and superiority in the world. However, after World War 2 and the association of swastika with Hitler, there have been lots of negative vibes towards this symbol in the western world.
Although there have been lots of controversies regarding this symbol after Hitler but the fact remains that swastika has been a part of nearly all the cultures in the world since the origin of mankind. Thus nobody can deny the high spiritual benefits of this auspicious symbol. Swastika will always remain a sign of good luck and prosperity.